I Shop Mom & Pop!
We Shop Mom and Pop!
Do you shop mom and pop? Shopping Mom and Pop just means supporting local business. The money you spend at local businesses STAYS in the community. It keeps your downtown thriving, your youth sports teams playing, your fun local events happening. A community with healthy local business is a stronger community.
It’s easy to shop online – but your money goes further when you keep it local. Make the pledge – this year, do your shopping – at least SOME of your shopping – right here in your community.
Say “I Shop Mom and Pop!”
Have you seen the blue and yellow I Shop Mom and Pop stickers around? What’s that all about?
It’s simple – I Shop Mom and Pop means you support local business. Your local business owners are your friends and neighbors, and they provide the personal, local goods and services that you love. So be sure to spend your money with them. Money that is spent local, stays local.
Healthy local business helps build a strong local economy, which creates community that you can be proud to live in. It’s that simple.
This year, shop Mom and Pop!
What makes your community special? Lots of things! But one of the most important parts is local business.
It’s easier than ever to order something on your phone, and that’s OK. The modern world is great, and who doesn’t love getting a package! But the money that you spend online goes far away from your community. The money you spend locally, stays local.
When you go downtown, you want to see a thriving community. It’s in your hands. Choose local business, at least some of the time. It matters. Shop Mom and Pop!